Cerity Workers’ Comp Policyholder FAQ
- Published Dec 14, 2023

At Cerity, our goal is to make getting workers’ compensation insurance fast and easy for small biz owners like you. But we know insurance isn’t always the easiest to understand. Here are some answers to policyholder’s frequently asked questions to help get you the information you’re looking for, simply and efficiently.
How do I access my Customer Portal?
Thanks for using Cerity.com to purchase workers’ compensation insurance for your business. If your policy begins with the letters WC, please continue reading here for more information about accessing your portal.
To manage your policy online, you’ll need to register for EACCESS®, our portal for policyholders to make payments, access important documents, file audit paperwork and more. This portal and your policy management experience are operated by our parent company, EMPLOYERS®.
Here’s how to register:
- Check your email, including junk folders, for a welcome message from customersupport@employers.com – this contains helpful information on how to register for your EACCESS account.
- To register directly, this registration page gets you started.
- You’ll need your policy number and Federal Fax ID (FEIN) to begin. Here are some tips on where to find this information.
Still have questions? Take a look at our complete How to Register for EACCESS helper guide for troubleshooting tips or contact us for help.
Why am I receiving officer paperwork?
If you have rejected coverage for yourself and other company officers, you may have to file a waiver form with the state and/or Cerity so you can remain exempt from coverage. If Cerity does not receive the required forms, your policy will be endorsed to include your currently excluded officers. This change will include the charge for the additional premium that applies to the increase in coverage. Call 1-844-4CERITY for further assistance.
How do I get a Certificate of Insurance (COI)?
If your policy number begins with the letters WC, please call 1-844-4CERITY and select the “I need a Certificate of Insurance” option. Our friendly customer support team is ready to help create your COI quickly over the phone. We will email you a copy when complete.
If your policy number begins with the letters DWC, you may create a Certificate of Insurance online from your EACCESS policy page. Navigate to “Policy Search”, select your policy, and click the “Certificates” tab. There you’ll find a button to “Issue New Certificate”. You’ll be given the option to download or email the certificate to the email address registered to your EACCESS account or the certificate holder.
In either instance, you’ll need the following information:
- Certificate Holder Name (this is the name of the party who has requested the COI from you)
- Certificate Holder Address
- Certificate Holder Contact
- Certificate Holder Email
- Brief description of the services you are providing the Certificate Holder. If you’re a sole proprietor, please also include your DBA with your description. (For example: DBA, Smith Advertising: Marketing Consulting Services)
Once you have entered your information, you can click on “Request a COI” which creates a PDF you can download. Please note some pop-up blockers may need to be disabled in order to download.
Does my COI automatically get emailed to my Certificate Holder?
We do not automatically send Certificates of Insurance to Certificate Holders. It is the policyholder’s responsibility to share a COI as needed.
If your policy number begins with the letters WC, please call 1-844-4CERITY and select the “I need a Certificate of Insurance” option. Our friendly customer support team is ready to help create your COI quickly over the phone. We will email you a copy to share.
If your policy number begins with the letters DWC, you may create a Certificate of Insurance online from your EACCESS policy page. You can then download or email it to yourself or your certificate holders from right inside the portal. Please note some pop-up blockers may need to be disabled in order to download.
I have additional questions regarding my COI.
Please call 1-844-4CERITY and select the option for certificate of insurance. We’re looking forward to helping you out.
My Certificate Holder is asking me for a waiver. How do I add this?
Please call 1-844-4CERITY and select the option to request a waiver or make a change to your policy. We’re looking forward to helping you out.
My Certificate Holder wants to be an additional insured, can I add them?
You can’t add an additional insured to a Workers’ Compensation policy. Your policy only covers your direct employees.
“Additional Insured” status is a term used often for general liability insurance. It denotes that you’re offering your general liability insurance policy benefits to another party you’re engaging in business with, and is commonly used (and in some cases, contractually required) by businesses.
Do I need to update my payroll if it changes?
If your policy starts with the letters WC, we’ll handle changes to your payroll at final audit.
If your policy starts with the letters DWC, and you’d like report major changes to your payroll mid-term, please contact our Underwriting Services team directly at underwritingsupport@employers.com for assistance.
I need to add an employee in another state to my policy. How do I do this?
If your policy starts with the letters WC, please call 1-844-4CERITY and select the option to make a policy change.
If your policy starts with the letters DWC, please contact our Underwriting Services team directly at underwritingsupport@employers.com for assistance.
How do I pay for my policy?
If your policy begins with the letters WC and you have set up automatic (ACH) payments from your bank account, you will receive an invoice in the mail and instructions to submit payments by check. Credit card payments will continue to be made as scheduled. If your credit card expires or is declined, you will receive a Notice of Cancellation with information on how you can make a payment by check. Credit card payments are not available in Connecticut.
If your policy begins with the letters DWC, please register for an EACCESS account and explore the eBilling section to set up your payment preferences.
My credit card expired. How do I update my banking information?
If your policy begins with the letters WC and your credit card expires or is declined, you will receive a Notice of Cancellation with information on how you can make a payment by check. Credit card payments are not available in Connecticut.
If your policy begins with the letters DWC, please register for an EACCESS account and explore the eBilling section to set up your payment preferences.
If you’re having trouble, please see our complete eBilling FAQs for more help.
Does Cerity notify me if a payment is declined?
If your policy begins with the letters WC and your credit card expires or is declined, or your check payment is returned or unable to be cashed, you will receive a Notice of Cancellation by mail with information on how you can make a new payment by check. Credit card payments are not available in Connecticut.
If your policy begins with the letters DWC, please register for an EACCESS account and explore the eBilling section to set up your payment preferences.
If you’re having trouble, please see our complete eBilling FAQs for more help.
What happens if my policy is in Pending Cancellation status?
Please check the Notice of Cancellation you were sent in the mail for your payment due date. If a payment is not made by this date, your policy will be cancelled.
If a payment is received before your cancel date, your Notice of Cancellation will be rescinded, and your policy will continue. If a payment is not received before your cancel date, you may submit a new Quote Request to begin a new policy term.
What happens if my policy has been cancelled?
If your policy begins with the letters WC, it will not be reinstated. You may submit a new Quote Request to begin a new policy term.
If your policy begins with the letters DWC, please contact Customer Service for assistance.
How do I report a claim or check on the status of a claim?
If your policy begins with the letters WC, please contact us using the following information:
- Phone: 844-423-7489 (press 1 for claims)
- Alternate Phone: 800-753-6737
- Email: claims@cerity.com
If your policy begins with the letters DWC, please use this contact information for assistance.
How do I renew my policy?
If we decide not to renew your policy, you’ll receive a notice of non-renewal. Otherwise, Cerity will automatically renew the policy for you.
How do I cancel my policy?
We must receive your cancellation request in writing, with the date you want your policy to be cancelled.
If your policy begins with the letters WC, please email your cancellation request to service@cerity.com for assistance.
If your policy begins with the letters DWC, please contact our Underwriting Services department directly at underwritingsupport@employers.com for assistance.
Can I cancel my policy at any time?
Yes, you can cancel your policy at any time. Please be advised, workers’ compensation is an annual policy and is required in most states. There may be a penalty associated with cancelling your policy early.
What happens after I cancel my policy?
We hate to say it, but there will be some paperwork involved. You must complete and return policy audit paperwork, which will be sent to you via regular mail.
I only had my policy for two weeks. Do I need to respond to an audit request?
The simple answer is yes. There are many states that require us to charge an audit non-compliance fee. Failure to return the completed policy audit paperwork may subject you to this non-compliance fee.
My policy was canceled due to non-payment. Do I still need to respond to the audit request?
Yes, you do. There are many states that require us to charge an audit non-compliance fee. Failure to return the completed policy audit paperwork may subject you to this non-compliance fee.
For complete audit formation, please see our Premium Audit Guide.
What is a policy audit?
Your policy premium is largely based on your payroll over your policy period. We understand that over the course of your policy period, changes happen. After your policy period ends, a policy audit will be conducted to determine the accuracy of the estimated premium and business classification used when the policy was started. This process is required by your state’s regulation of workers’ compensation insurance.
For complete audit formation, please see our Premium Audit Guide.
How do I receive my audit information?
If your policy begins with the letters WC, here is what to look for regarding annual audit:
- Cerity will conduct a premium audit which is required on all renewed, canceled, and expired policies to determine final premium for your policy period.
- Premium Audit request letters will be mailed to you via regular mail within 30 days of renewal, cancellation, or expiration of the policy. Please check your mailbox for this letter, complete the worksheet, and return it to Cerity via the email or mailing address provided.
- If you have any questions regarding your audit or how to comply, please reach out to us at auditinfo@cerity.com.
If your policy begins with the letters DWC, you may log in to EACCESS to complete your annual audit online.
For complete audit formation, please see our Premium Audit Guide.
What happens if I don’t complete my audit?
If you fail to comply with the audit, your policy will be deemed non-compliant which can result in a non-compliant charge of up to 3 times the premium on the policy and/or cancellation of that policy. This will depend upon the rules and regulations of the states listed on your policy.
To avoid non-compliance, please submit the requested information by the due date provided on your audit worksheet.
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